Vote and rate online for each book you read. Make sure to have a record of your vote emailed to Mrs. Longgood (jennifer.longgood@nwsc.k12.in.us) so you get your Rosie Lunch invitation!
Don't know what to read next? Click the above link and type in the name of a book you enjoyed. This database will provide you with a list of recommendations and suggestions on books you might like!
Welcome to the Guys Read Virtual Vault of Good Books. This is the place to come if you’re looking for something to get a guy reading. We’ve collected recommendations from teachers, librarians, booksellers, publishers, parents, and guys themselves. These are the books that guys have said they like. We’ve gathered and grouped them to make them easier to find. So check out the categories below or type something—a title, an author, or a subject you’re interested in—over there on the left.
Find out what Melissa Wheelock, the Young Adult Librarian, and the other librarians at the KHCPL are reading and what they think about the books they have read at the following sites:
Visit KHCPL Teen Scene on the Web for giveaways, library info, new teen publishing info and more at the following links:
Melissa would love to hear from you! Her email is: mwheelock@kokomo.lib.in.us